5 Superstars That Need New Theme Music

In wrestling, a superstars entrance is 50% of what makes people interested in the character. A great entrance makes people stand up and take notice of you, where as on the reverse side, entering to generic, bland theme music will make you instantly forgettable. Here are 5 superstars I think are in desperate need of new entrance music.

Dean Ambrose

This isn’t a bad entrance theme, it’s just not really fitting of a main event superstar, especially not one that is a former WWE champion. Sure, when the fans hear his theme he instantly gets a good reaction, but I feel Ambrose needs a theme that gives him more personality when he enters the ring. He definitely needs a theme upgrade, even if it’s a remix of his current one, just something to bring out his persona a little more is needed.
I sometimes find the continuous riff of his theme music repetitive and now he’s broken away from mid-upper card hell he was in, I think a new entrance theme would really inject his character with some new personality.
I do admit of the 3 members of The Shield, none of them are what you could call particularly ‘memorable’, yet Ambrose is at a stage in his career now where he needs to put the past behind him and as the champion head forward with a new attitude and new entrance theme.

Alexa Bliss

As much as I enjoy watching Alexa Bliss make her way to the ring, her entrance music is probably the most generic on the active roster. Whilst it was decent in NXT, I feel that when she enters the ring it doesn’t give you that instant attraction, and some of the fans seem a little confused as to who is actually entering.
She needs something that as soon as the music starts playing, fans know who and what to expect, and one that separates her from the other divas.
Now she’s the number 1 contender to Becky Lynch’s Women’s Title, she needs a unique look, just like her unbelieveable Harley Quinn attire at Backlash.
A few months ago I created a custom entrance theme for her using the song ‘Bliss Out’ by Hadouken!. Not only does the song have Bliss in the title, but it still keeps with the dubstep theme that has been a feature of her past themes.

Check it out below.

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Msdx7u7TWK0[/embedyt]


I find the overall character of Cesaro as a blend of so many things, and it’s quite confusing. First of all you have this tough ‘Swiss Superman’ who comes to the ring and uses strength and presence to dominate other superstars, yet you have him coming to the ring in a suit, styling a James Bond sort of entrance, with a siren followed by generic rock music as a theme.
Which direction is the character taking? Either way, Cesaro has had that entrance music for quite some time now, as a singles wrestler (both face and heel), and whilst teaming with Tyson Kidd (again, as face and heel).
To get Cesaro over more and to keep him fresh and interesting, a brand new theme is needed. In honesty the siren is fine if they must insist on it, but something a little edgy after that would be beneficial to him.


The Vaudevillans

This entrance was super over in NXT, but since debuting on the main roster, fans haven’t been given any reason to care about these two. Their entrance (which barely gets airtime on television), has been tweaked slightly to a give it a heel ora, yet I think the whole thing needs a remake. When this theme plays, fans give no reaction whatsoever, which is partly down to them not being able to shout along to the ‘Gather round everyone and witness the debonair devastation of such exquisite sophistication. Aiden English, Simon Gotch THE VAUDEVILLIANS!”.
Hopefully the team don’t fade out into obscurity, because they certainly have talent, they just need to give the fans a reason to get excited when they enter an arena, which the fans don’t currently have.

Seth Rollins

When this theme was first debuted, I really disliked it. I didn’t like the generic sound, the pauses during the theme, or the fact it was so repetitive, yet now I do really like Rollins’ entrance music.
The problem is, it represents everything Seth Rollins USED to be, under The Authority, J & J security, post Shield etc.
With the recent hints of a face turn, it’s about time he had a brand new entrance to match the new attitude, and whilst there’s nothing wrong with the old theme, as I said, it represents the Seth of old. The actual theme could stay the same, but like other themes, it just could be tweaked a bit, to send it in a different direction.
Fans have grown to love the drum intro, but I think the actual theme needs a change of pace whether it be by adding more vocal guitars to it, or by possibly adding lyrics.

Downstait recent posted a video on their Instagram account promoting a demo they are doing for Rollins, you can click HERE to check it out.

Sounds very much like the overall aspect of Rollins’ entrance music will stay the same, but the added guitar build up before it kicks in sounds very good and makes the overall kick in’ of the theme more energetic and would make a better impact.
Who knows when this potential new theme will eventually be used, but I’d say sooner rather than later as Rollins is about to embark on a whole new side of his persona that nobody has seen before, and he needs a fresh image and theme to go with the other changes to his character.

Who do YOU think needs new entrance music in WWE?
Which is your favourite current entrance theme?

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