Playing With Fire

The events which took place in New Orleans at Wrestlemania 30 are sure to leave a lasting image in most, if not all wrestling fans around the world. The very image of the Undertaker lay down on the canvas whilst the Titan Tron showed the image “21-1” will forever last in our memories, that combined with the feeling of sheer disbelief and emptiness at the realisation the streak is over.

Few believed the streak would ever be broken, a legacy which the Undertaker would leave behind, a feat never to be repeated. Fewer would have thought that if the streak were to be broken, Brock Lesnar would be the man to do it. Not because he isn’t a worthy opponent, but because on the face of it there seems little sense in this outcome.

In the hours following Wrestlemania 30, there were reports that the Undertaker had been badly injured, it wasn’t supposed to end like that, it was Montreal all over again. Whilst it is true that the Undertaker suffered a severe concussion, there is no doubt that the result of this match went according to plan.

The pause before the ring bell to signify the end of the match and the delay in playing Brock’s music was deliberate in my opinion. Those calling the plays backstage would have known that the reaction from the crowd would be one of total shock, which was all the more intensified by this small delay. I can see why this may lead people to believe that the Undertaker was not supposed to lose, however, the appearance of his “21-1” Wrestlemania record on screens throughout the stadium put water to the flames of any doubt in my mind.

It has also been reported that the Undertaker handpicked Brock Lesnar to be the man who would finally end the streak. I can understand his choice in many ways. Mark Calaway is known for being a huge UFC fan and he will no doubt have a lot of respect for the talent which Brock has, regardless of whether they see eye to eye. I can even understand the WWE allowing Brock to win, after all the Undertaker has given enough to this company to be allowed the luxury of choosing his conqueror.

What I think a lot of fans are still struggling to come to terms with is just how this makes sense in the wider picture of the WWE and future Wrestlemania’s. It doesn’t seem as though Brock is now going to make more regular appearances on television, so with him only appearing sporadically, it seems very much like a waste to have had him be the man to break the streak. Even if he were to make a run for the title, he isn’t going to be around every month to defend it. Regardless, the WWE are playing with fire when it comes to expectations for next year’s Wrestlemania!

That being said, you may have expected a younger superstar to be the one to break the streak and receive a big push to elevate them. I am actually glad this didn’t happen. Yes it would have given them a massive push, but it may have also been a burden which followed them throughout their career. The hostility with which the ending of the streak was greeted with by some fans leads me to believe that whoever ended the streak was going to be considered unworthy, so why damage something before it has even had a chance?

Nevertheless, the build up to this year’s match was weak to say the least and certainly not substantial enough to do credit to the Undertaker were this truly to be his last match. However, with his declining health, I actually feel a sense of relief that this may be the final nail in the coffin for the Undertaker. A career spanning over 20 years for one of the most original characters in professional wrestling, the Undertaker’s achievements are unquestionable and are unlikely to ever be repeated.

Wrestlemania will never be the same again for sure and we may never get to see the Deadman versus Stung in a dream matchup, but all good things must come to an end right? Like the countless number of his victims, maybe now is the time for the Undertaker to rest in peace.

– Tommy Mitten

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