SLTD Discussion – WWE Releases

Hey folks, I’m sure you have all heard the names that are victim’s of WWE’s annual spring cleaning. If not the banner above shows the eight names that have been ‘future endeavored’

You all know how this works by now, Team SLTD have got together to write about our most and least shocking exits from WWE.

@TomRobinson5199 (Armbar Analysis)

Most Shocking – There were a few surprises in the latest batch of superstars to be released from WWE. largely because they were a lot of guys which never really did much to justify being released. A number of these had heat and troubles at WWE but I don’t remember lads like El Torito and Zeb Colter doing things that would really edge them out the door. Santino, especially, is someone that would never strike me as an unpopular character in the locker room. Everyone that’s worked with Santino gives him high praise for how funny he is backstage among other positive attributes.

As surprising as it, the most shocking release to me was Cameron. Cameron’s not exactly had the smoothest of rides in WWE. She was previously suspended after a DUI from drunk driving attorneys in the Boston area, which I believe WWE stated that Cameron never told them about, and was an extreme personality backstage. Watch old episodes of Total Divas for examples of this. The thing about Cameron is the fact that I really believed that she was really starting to turn the page in terms of contributing more to the company in terms of work ethic and passion. She went down to development and did outside projects to really try and turn her career around. When I heard that she was released, I was rather taken off guard. I guess with the sudden increase in demand of the women’s wrestlers in WWE, the officials thought that Cameron would not really have a place in the company.

Least Shocking – Wade Barrett would be the obvious one, as his departure was mentioned by Barrett himself and it was reported that Barrett asked for his release a few months ago. Other than him, the least most shocking was probably Hornswoggle. Hornswoggle already had heat with the company after he was suspended in September of last year. After not being featured on the product since then, I felt that Swoggle’s wouldn’t last much longer. After a major storyline as Vince McMahon’s illegitimate son, a lot of other goofy angles, his legendary feud with El Torito and even being revealed as the anonymous general manager, what else could Hornswoggle possibly do? Especially with El Torito already at the company, it’s not like WWE were in short supply of midget wrestlers…. no pun intended. Then again, El Torito was cut too so maybe the WWE are trying to cut down on these comedy and light-hearted characters, with more attention paid to legitimising the company.

@WWEVoiceless (Voice Of Reason)

Most Shocking – The most surprising? Damian Sandow. Sandow has been a talent that although hasn’t been used in the right way, has knocked everything out of the park that he’s been given. After a few months or however long off screen, Sandow began an intermittent comeback. Appearing in random battle royals and matches. So it is surprising and saddening to see a great and versatile talent go. Good luck to all.

Least Shocking – After a successful few weeks of Raw and the brilliant Payback PPV, the releases from WWE where inevitable. Cutting talent who they have no use for with the fresh talent coming up. King Barrett was the least surprising for me; it has been know for a while now that he would not be re-signing to WWE and taking a break from wrestling. He is going to be severely missed and is a classic case of a talk not being used properly.

@callumown98 (Facebook Manager)

Most shocking – In my opinion the most shocking release that occurred yesterday evening was Alex Riley, mainly because he was still getting some form of TV time on NXT. Also I felt WWE were building up his “rage” character which I’d see working in the end. Along with Damien Sandow and Wade Barrett I’d say Riley was an underrated and underutilised talent.

Least shocking – I’ll be taking this into context here, Santino Marella never wrestles anymore, Colter doesn’t appear on TV that often and Hornswoggle doesn’t appear on TV either, all three of them could count as least shocking but instead I’ll look an actual active member of the roster. Least shocking release for me is Cameron, somehow Cameron got a WWE contract from Tough Enough a few years ago, even though she was eliminated in the first round and remember her favourite match was Melina vs Alicia Fox. Cameron has received tons of criticism for her wrestling skills, which is understandable I mean calling for a pin when your pinning the opponent the wrong way round, obviously led her to development. The only saving grace for Cameron had been her role on Total Divas, however as far as I know she was set to be replaced on the upcoming series. Then on Wednesday, she decided to agree with Ryback’s statement of that all wrestlers get equal pay, which really was the last straw for her, I guess it’s “girl bye” for Cameron.

@WWETOWNnation (YouTube Manager)

Most Shocking – The most shocking release has to be King Barrett. Barrett was not only one of my favorite guys, but he represented the UK as a whole in the pro wrestling industry very well. I’ve been lucky to see Barrett live and in person and I’ve got to say, it’s sad to see him go. He had SO much potential and could’ve got so much further but unfortunately it comes to everyone and his time is up.

Thank you Barrett.

Least Shocking – The least shocking for me, and it has to be probably Zeb Colter. Now, as much as Zeb Colter has entertained millions of us over the years, I don’t think he’s been on WWE TV once in 2016 so I wasn’t shocked.

I’m not shocked on any of the releases, I’m more disappointed especially seeing Damien Sandow and King Barrett going. They’ve entertained the hell outta me, and so have all the others and it’s a shame to see 8 people heading out, with no job anymore as no one wants to see that. Good luck to the 8 people for there futures!

@mrnebarry  (Old Skool View)

The least surprising release of the batch is Wade Barrett. We all knew it was going to be happening so it really was only a matter of time before we got told he was leaving. For my surprise release it’s Zeb Coulter. With all his experience and knowledge they could have utilised him so much more. It wouldn’t have needed to be a on screen role, working with the next generation down at NXT or in the performance centre would have given loads new ideas.

@kieranthekiz (UKayfabe)

Most Shocking – The release of Alex Riley was the most surprising to me..that is until we got news of Damien Sandow’s release.
For me he was someone that took everything that WWE threw at him, and made it work. The company must have seen something in him to reward him with the MITB briefcase, despite being the most unsuccessful spell since it was introduced.
When he started impersonating The Miz, it was hammered by critics after the first week, but he worked hard and went out there and he won everyone over. Sandow proved that almost any gimmick can get over, as long as you put the effort in, and before long he was a fan favourite. I guess he’s now free to pursue other avenues, and regardless of what path he chooses, one thing is always guaranteed with Sandow, he’ll always entertain.

Least Shocking – King Barrett’s release came to the surprise of no one. It’s been common knowledge for quite some months that Barrett would be leaving the company when his contract expired. You could argue that he’s had very few notable roles in the company since the end of the Nexus, but WWE have tried numerous times with him since with The Corre, Bad News Barrett (probably his most popular role) and finally King Barrett. It surprises me that the League of Nations was such a failure, because on paper they had the ingredients to be a success.
I would imagine He’ll try his hand in acting seeing as he already has his foot in the door, but unlike most of the other releases, I don’t think this will be the last we’ve seen of Barrett in WWE.

@AdamOB_UTS (Under The Spotlight)

Least Shocking – The least shocking release would have to be Cameron. Funnily enough, she needed to be given the boot so badly that you can probably call her one of the most shocking releases based alone on the time that it took for her to get her marching orders. People have been complaining about her for half a decade, so I’m not going to do that now, but it baffles me how it takes five whole years to realise that one of your employees doesn’t add anything positive to the product. WWE’s smartest termination in years.
There’s a joke that can be made here about “Girl Bye” but Lord above, do I hate that catchphrase!

Most Shocking – As for the most shocking, to be honest none of the releases were genuinely surprising. The thing that will always sadden me, however, is how WWE missed such a phenomenal opportunity with Damien Sandow. That guy was the most over Superstar on the roster last year and they threw it away for nothing, and now he’s been released based solely on their idiotic decision not to push him. He deserved way better than he was given and I hope he can find the success he deserves elsewhere.

So that’s who Team SLTD thought was the most and least shocking releases of the current spring clean, but who shocked you? Let us know below

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