The Voice of Reason: Seth Rollins’ Night of Champions

Howdy folks, The Voice of Reason back this week only on SLTD Wrestling. Make sure to check out some great content from all the writers we have!

So after my easy plug, let’s get down to business. This week on Monday Night Raw, we learned that Seth Rollins will feature in not one, but two matches at the Night of Champions PPV. This is never a bad thing, as Seth is incredible in the ring, and definitely “entertaining” to watch. For those who have very short memories, or haven’t seen Raw, Seth will be facing John Cena for the U.S. Title in addition to facing Sting for the WWE World Heavyweight Title.

Well, what are the potential outcomes for Seth Rollins at Night of Champions?

Regains Both Titles
How likely is it that The Architect regains both titles? Honestly, I’m not sure of what the future plans are, which is good news as it means unpredictable programming. If Rollins was to regain both titles at Night of Champions, it could either be clean, or not so clean.

This could be the very night that Seth Rollins truly solidifies himself with two clean wins, in the same night against John Cena and Sting. I doubt this will be the outcome, as the WWE have a habit of any Authority related storylines ending in controversy or interference.

If Rollins kept the titles, where would this really lead? Sting is unlikely to do another match with Seth and I really doubt (and hope) they don’t do another match with Cena. It kind of leaves Seth without a new feud as he would have beaten everybody.

Left With The U.S. Title
So what happens if Seth Rollins loses to Sting but beats John Cena? How would it even go down? This is probably the least likely scenario, but a win over Cena would have to be a completely clean victory.

Rollins holding the U.S. Title is already tainted with John Stewart’s aided victory at SummerSlam but a clean win over Jogn Cena willmnot only be a fan favourite decision, but also great cement Rollins even further.

This leaves us with the match against Sting which I assume will close the show. With regards to how Rollins will lose? Well the elephant in the room is Sheamus cashing in for the title. Although this is predictable programming, the story makes sense. A Sting victory seems unlikely due to his status and schedule. Maybe Sheamus cashes in just when Sting is about to win, costing Rollins the title.

The other option is Sting wins, giving him the win and title on record, for Sheamus to cash in after.

Left With The WWE World Heavyweight Title
I don’t really have much to say about this one. Rollins being left with the WWEWHC means Cena probably wins clean and somehow Sting gets screwed out of the victory for Rollins to win. Predicable, boring in the grand scheme of things.

Left With No Titles
This is definitely more shocking and interesting. The only way I see Seth being left high and dry with no titles is by a face turn. We are no doubt building up to Seth Rollins going one on one with Triple H, as even Sting’s promos are comparing Rollins to Triple H.

For Rollins to drop all belts at Night of Champions, Cena would probably win earlier in the night with a clean “heroic” kind of victory. How could things end against Sting? Well obviously there’s the classic, referee gets knocked down, Rollins about to win and Triple H hits a pedigree to screw Rollins. This would leave Sting as champion and would not really make sense. Why would Triple H screw Rollins when he has had history against Sting?

The ideal scenario for me, is Triple H hitting a pedigree on both Sting and Rollins, with Sheamus coming to cash in, being The Authority’s new “chosen one” if you like. Not only entertaining, but from my perspective, not what most will expect.

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