TNA: Rising from the Ashes?

Well, as regular readers will know, I’ve had a lot to say about TNA  over the last few weeks, and not a lot of it good.  There are a lot of rumours floating round the internet at the moment about things that are happening behind the scenes, and if any of them turn out to be true, there will be a lot of happy TNA fans.

The Knockouts Roster

I commented on the lack of talent in this division last week, and the fact that they have a lot of talent in their developmental territory they could call up to the main roster. Well, if the rumours I have read are true, then that’s going to start happening. And not just with the Knockouts.

It appears that the first female wrestler from OVW is being called up this week. I don’t want to cover it in too much detail as I want to avoid spoilers, but she’s a former GutCheck winner. I’m very happy that the company are starting to think like the fans, providing they follow this through and get the Knockouts Division back on top where it belongs.

The Dixie Carter Heel Turn

I simply didn’t like the way this played out. Dixie did not come across as a good heel. Maybe she just doesn’t have enough rapport with the fans. I don’t know how they can fix this, but it may be the start of a bigger storyline. Again, I won’t comment too much for those of you that have managed to avoid all the info on this weeks Impact, even though I couldn’t avoid it this week. But seriously, has anyone actually said ” I Quit” on camera and it not been a storyline? If it has happened, then by all means, comment on this post and let me know, because I know full well that I don’t know everything.

Hulk Hogan

As most people know, his contract is up with TNA and a lot of people would rather that he didn’t re-sign. There are pros and cons to this. Firstly, he can draw a crowd to an event just because of his name, but has that made the company enough money to afford his wages?  There are many that don’t think so.

Could he be going back to the WWE? I’m not sure, but that’s another rumour floating around on the net. The only reason this has cropped up is the new WWE game that’s on it’s way. It’s been said that Hogan’s character has a major role in the game. I can’t confirm or deny that, but if he hadn’t been talking with WWE, why would there be any sort of rumour with the game, and obviously if he’s not under contact with TNA, he’ll be able to promote it.

If he was to leave, it would free up a lot of money within the company to bring through more new talent. Would he really be such a great loss? Most of the shows revolve around him, and I personally want to see more talent showcased. I can’t speak for anybody else, but I’m sure there are a few out there who’ll agree with me.

Ex-WWE Talent

This is a very hard subject for me to cover as I’ve complained about some ex-WWE wrestlers in the past. There are only a few that I really feel bring nothing to TNA, but there are a few who were underused in WWE that have since shined under the freedom that TNA has given them.

DOC was a prime example of that – wasted in the WWE as… well I don’t quite know how to describe his character there… but as DOC, he really proved he could wrestle. It’s just a shame that TNA let him down and let him go.

Matt Morgan – another wrestler who was wasted by WWE. His character there was a stuttering idiot, but again, he was able to shine in the TNA ring. Now I know there are some people out there who won’t like my opinion, but that’s what I love about the wrestling industry. If everyone liked and hated the same people, the shows would have absolutely no character at all.

Ken Anderson is the last ex-WWE talent I want to mention. He had one of his best matches at No Surrender, just as his contract came up for renewal. I honestly thought it was going to lead to a big push into the main-event – and he left. Now, there’s talk of him returning (and he seems to want to), but I think the problem with the guys who have jumped ship to TNA is that they want too much money.

I’ve always felt that WWE was all about the money, but TNA was all about the fans. Now that Jeff Jarrett seems to be back behind the scenes, I think things will improve. He was the one person that got his company to where it was before Hogan arrived, and I truly think he can get it back there.

So… we come full circle back to my title: rising from the ashes. The question is, can TNA come back from this? If you take everything happening in the company (in terms of new talent at the moment), then I say yes. I really believe they can rise again and probably be better than before, but they’ll need to try a lot harder.

What do we all think ? Are they doomed to fail, or will they be bless with a second chance. Please comment below and let me know what your thoughts and ideas are.

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Cheers for now


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