TNA: We’re All Riding The Dixie Train


So, as my title says, we’re all on the Dixie train right now and, to be honest, I’m (for the most part) enjoying the route it’s taken us on. Yes, you could argue that it’s very similar to what’s happening in another organisation (do I really need to name them?), but for sheer entertainment purposes, it’s got me hooked.

The fact that Dixie Carter has half of the roster following her every lead adds a lot to the character that she’s been trying to develop and get over in the last few months. I thought her initial heel turn was very poorly done and didn’t have the impact that it should have, but with the amount of wrestlers now behind her, it seems to have really taken hold.

A lot of the credit should be given to our very own Rockstar Spud. He wasn’t my favourite on British Boot Camp. He seemed to be extremely arrogant, but look at him now. He’s got the second biggest role on Impact and he’s settled in to this completely new persona with ease!

The comedic value that he adds to the far too widely used in-ring chats helps to keep me interested. For such a small guy, he’s got a huge personality and he sees himself as bigger than everyone else. He’s almost like a court jester – carrying out the Queen’s every whim.

The other intriguing part of this new Dixieland storyline is that, right now, I can’t see how it’s going to be resolved.

Just how long will they keep the roster split? At some point, someone will have to step up, rally the troops and go in to battle against Dixie, but I can’t think who would do it.

There’s no single face who has a big enough character to stand tall against Dixie.  AJ Styles isn’t around and neither is Jeff Hardy so who will be the one to derail the Dixie train?

Kurt Angle could, as Taz would say, have the intestinal fortitude to take Dixie on, but rumour has it that he’s due to have knee surgery soon so that would surely rule him out, albeit temporarily. I don’t think that Samoa Joe’s had enough ring time lately to be pushed to the level he’d need to be for this story, so if there’s anyone out there in wrestling land who can help me, feel free to let me know!

I’m either missing something, or they’re keeping things very close to their chest to keep us all guessing. When this comes to a head, Impact Wrestling will be a show that you won’t want to miss. I think this is going to end similarly to the invasion angles that we’ve seen in the past. WWE had a similar thing when they brought in ex-WCW stars.

To finish off my rant this week, even though I was dead against the whole concept of Dixie Carter as a heel and the Dixie Train, it’s now got me completely hooked. I like the fact that there’s never a fair fight. The babyfaces are always at a disadvantage because there’s always extra members of Team Dixie to help the heels out.

I’m really looking forward to the point where the babyfaces start to turn the tables and get some revenge. We just need to pin down who’s going to lead the revolution!

As always, if you have any comments you can leave them below . Alternatively you can catch me on Twitter. I’m @ecwdave

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