TNA’s British Tour


Although I was unable to get tickets for the big TNA UK tour, I was excited to see just how they would get on. They always seem to draw big crowds over here and many TNA wrestlers have stated that the UK is a great place to work because of the fans. So how has it gone so far?

I’ve been keeping a close eye on Twitter for updates on the shows and although there have been a few shows, I’ve seen some great reviews so far. If there are any SLTD followers out there who’ve been to the live shows, it would be great to get your feedback on them in terms of the quality of the shows and the crowd reactions.

One of the funniest things that I saw on Twitter, and on the broadcast itself, were the ICW guys in the front row – and the “TNA Fears ICW” signs in the crowd. TNA vs ICW would be something that’s well worth seeing. Maybe we should start a campaign!

Last night – Thursday 30th January – was the biggest show on the tour so far. It was their first ever LIVE TV taping from the UK. After my night shift, I couldn’t resist sitting up to watch the live show, just to see if they could live up to the hype. The real question is…did they?

I’ve said before that I thought the fact that the UK wrestlers were playing heel roles for the tour was a big gamble, but Magnus and Rockstar Spud got HUGE reactions from the crowd. Whether the crowd are cheering or booing, as long as they’re reacting, then the company are doing their job properly. There’s nothing worse than a dead crowd on a live show. We saw that on a few shows from the US last year. The arena seemed to be sold out from the camera shots that I saw, so it might be worth doing more tapings from the UK.

I don’t want to give too much away about the show, just in case some of you haven’t seen it yet, but I thought there were far too many promos on the show. If you’re paying to see a live show, then you want to see wrestling, not talking. With that being said, the matches that we did see were pretty good.

The character change we’ve seen in Bully Ray over the last few weeks has been great. It all seems to be leading back into the world of extreme, which I love to watch. We just need to see more of him.

After saying last week that I was completely on board the Dixie Train, I truly feel that things are about to take a major turn with the emergence of the secret investor. I said earlier that I won’t post any spoilers, so all I’ll say is that I’m very happy with the person that’s been brought in. They’re a former WWE talent and have toured the indys for the last few years. I’d like to welcome them to TNA.

There’s no doubt that this is going to change the landscape of TNA, possibly with a roster split on the way. It’s keeping me guessing about who’s coming in to the roster. We’ve already seen the Wolves from ROH and I’m looking forward to seeing who’s next.

So there we are. A small report on the state of things in TNA at the moment. Some things are good, others, not so much, but all in all I’m sure that there will be some even better things to come in the future, which might see the Dixie Train head off the tracks.

If you’ve got something to say about TNA’s 2014 UK tour, let us know by leaving a comment, or you can catch me on Twitter. I’m @ecwdave

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