Tybo Talks… TNA World Title Series

Welcome once again to a Tybo Talks! I am Tybo, and I’m sure by now you know that I am the ‘Five Star General’ of this operation we call SLTD Wrestling.

As Always, before I get into this weeks Tybo Talks, I want to throw out a very cheep plug and say I manage our official Facebook page, and it would be great if you could Like us over there. So follow the link (HERE) and hit that Like button. Still Free Beer if you do!

So, I seem to be SLTD Wrestling’s resident TNA writer, which I will happily take that mantel. TNA has has some issues over the last few years but I think they are really working to get back to the standard that they were a while ago. I think their latest idea could be one of their best in a long time.

Coming out of Bound For Glory the TNA World Heavyweight Champion was Matt Hardy. Very long story short, Ethan Carter III, the former champion and still undefeated put an injunction on Hardy stopping him from appearing on TNA for the foreseeable future. It was here that Matt Hardy decided to vacate the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. I know what your thinking, I was thinking the same thing but stick with it.

It is worth noting that if Matt Hardy won the title, and The World Title Series was not the plan all along then this could mean that Matt and Jeff Hardy could be set for a WWE return. I could be way off, but it would makes sense if TNA needed to get the title off Hardy quick so he doesn’t go on WWE while still being the TNA World Champion.

What is the TNA World Title Series? 

(This is where TNA turns chicken shit into chicken salad)

As you can see from the explanation above the idea is there to be pretty awesome, I am personally really looking forward to seeing where this all goes. With the idea of every match meaning something, it reminds me a lot of the Bound For Glory Series TNA did a few years ago. I think the idea is a great one, it is a prefect way for former fans who have fell out of love with the TNA product to start watching again. So who are in the groups?


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As you can see from the group stages of the TNA World Title Series, everyone is involved (even the Knockouts). The groups look to be really interesting and could have some really great matches. It is good to see some returning faces, although I’m not completely how they are going to work with ‘Group Originals’ as James Storm has debuted on NXT, but either way it could get interesting.

There is also the idea that Ethan Carter III is still undefeated, so could he go through this whole Series without getting pinned or submitting, and if he does there is the added storyline that at Bound For Glory, Tyrus (EC3’s bodyguard) won the ‘Bound For Gold’ match which makes him the number one contender for the TNA World Championship.

Personally, I think this is well worth watching for any wrestling fan. I think it is a very well thought out tournament style show and should make the next few weeks of TNA Impact a really great watch. The way this all came about was really bad booking on TNA’s part but this could be something that really makes TNA great again, and is without a doubt a different product that we are seeing from other wrestling shows we are watching right now.

I’m sure I will check back with more from the TNA World Title Series in the coming weeks of Tybo Talks, but what do you think of the TNA World Title Series? Is it a good or bad idea? Who is the group your most looking forward to seeing? Let me know below.

Thanks for reading, as always check out what else SLTD Wrestling has to offer.


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