Under The Tree – A Christmas Message From AOB

Whether you’re a long-time reader of SLTD Wrestling, you’re a member of staff or you’re just passing by, I hope you’re having a splendid holiday season, no matter what holiday you may be celebrating. Hopefully you’re enjoying some much-deserved time off and are enjoying it with the people you love.

For those of you unfamiliar with my work, I’m Adam O’Brien. I won’t take up too much of your time, but I’ll start by saying it seems customary at this point that whenever I write an article for SLTD Wrestling, I have to explain why I’ve been absent for a month and a half. Long story short, between college, a two-hour commute (to and from) every day and trying to make some spare money on the side recently, I just don’t have the time anymore. I do wish I could put these out on the regular, but even my role as administrator and now-temporary editor have fallen to the wayside only for me to come back to when the opportunity presents itself.

I’ve been with SLTD Wrestling since August of 2012, and it sounds cheesy, but the truth is that if Greg, or as you may know him, “The Five Star General of this Operation”, Tybo, never sent me a DM on Twitter because he saw me slumming it with my opinions and “articles” on a dire platform such as TwitLonger, and asked me to join the growing cast of characters at his website, I could be in a much different place.

It sounds drastic, sure, but if you consider the fact that I came across the idea to study games development after putting thought into journalism due to working with SLTD for over a year at the time, it’s possible I wouldn’t have even considered it, never mind come to the decision to pursue it. It was very last-minute, so knowing me, I could have been doing something I didn’t really want to do like visual communications or culinary arts by now. It’s  also possible that discussing video games with Gary, one of SLTD’s alumni, who did the same (or at least, a similar) course, helped me make the choice I did, a choice I’m incredibly happy I made in the end.

I also wouldn’t be getting paid to write about an industry I love, if another of SLTD’s alumni never suggested that I apply for it. And it was my experience with this site that gave me the qualifications I needed to be accepted anyway, as it was my second attempt, just this past August, not too long after we got things back up and running here (with me taking on a more executive role) that led to my hiring.

I guess what I’m getting at, before I look like I’m babbling on nonsensically about myself, is that despite being a small “by the fans, for the fans” wrestling-centric community that’s seen some incredible ups and some crippling lows, a group (albeit ever-evolving) like we have had here can make a world of difference in somebody’s life.

So I want to extend my ever-lasting gratitude to all our fantastic staff, and readers here at SLTD Wrestling. I’m not able to keep things going like I used to be, although I do try to keep a watchful eye over the proceedings when I can, but we have stuff going up on the daily thanks to a group of excellent people, and really fun wrestling fans.

At the end of the day, this whole thing is about having fun. We wouldn’t be wrestling fans if we weren’t happy to do it. Sometimes it has its ups and downs, but in the grand scheme of things, it’s a bit of fun, and the people here really exemplify that. It’s heart-warming to see so much work going into the site. I hope the writers are having a great break from their keyboards for Christmas, because they’ve really earned it.

I wouldn’t be able to talk about hard work on the site without talking about Tybo. The man has put so much time and effort into keeping this operation running as smoothly as possible. He’s still coming up with new ways to keep us afloat, as you can see from his newly introduced SLTD Fantasy League, which you can easily join here to be a part of something truly special ahead of the New Year.

There’d be no SLTD Wrestling without the guy, it’s as simple as that. #GregoryMovement

So to finish up, thanks to everyone aboard the SLTD ship, old and new, and to those who helped along the way but aren’t with us anymore. Thanks to you, reading this right now. Everyone involved has chipped in to make this all possible, and for the sake of Greg, Rach, Callum, Ciaran, Jai, Dan and the rest of the great people here, I hope things really start to take off soon enough. You all deserve it.

Merry Christmas, everyone.

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Self-Professed Conversational Wizard.
Admin, Editor and Writer for SLTD Wrestling.
Creator of 'Under the Spotlight'.
Studying Computing in Games Development.

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