Wrestlemania In-Depth: Brock Lesnar vs. Dean Ambrose

Wrestlemania 32:
Brock Lesnar versus Dean Ambrose

The History: Dean Ambrose is trying to assert his claim, his dominance potentially as a main-event player. He is a guy who has had many labels and comparisons and also incarnations to his character (Loose Cannon, Mick Foley, and Steve Austin). Put those three in a blender and you get Dean. On the flip side, we have the grizzled veteran in Lesnar who has won titles in every sport he has competed in. Lesnar is also a former multi-time WWE champ who is trying to get back his title; and a title he was never truly pinned for.

How this came about: WWE Fastlane 2016 as Ambrose whaled Lesnar with the chair, and aided Reigns in the Shield double power-bomb. However, Ambrose would be the one who would take the biggest fall, with a Reigns spear. On RAW the following night, Ambrose was attacked and body-slammed into a car windshield. Crazily enough, Ambrose would return in an ambulance to try and get involved and vengeance on Lesnar. However, Dean was unsuccessful and got an F-5 for his trouble.

The importance: Lesnar is trying to regain his spot as top dog, and whilst defeat a popular uprising superstar who has a wrinkle as the Lunatic Fringe. Ambrose is trying to defeat the biggest dog, on the biggest event of the all. In the hopes perhaps, a Dean victory would propel him into the WWE title picture more concretely. Problem is though: Dean has had too many tag team bouts with his buddy Reigns, and the same man who he may face in the future as biggest competition for the title. Dean has a shallow persona despite the big pops, and has a glass ceiling thus far. He has challenged one time for the big title, when Rollins was champion; and was unsuccessful.

The doubts: The question remains; Can Ambrose be a drawing champion or just a transitional one? Can Dean find the long-term picture and credibility needed to have a lengthy reign, and also be believable? Or is Dean just a good hand, a great wrestler who has his niche and his spot on the card? Lesnar has the more proven track record and the dominance to prove it. He is a NCAA amateur standout, with more wrestling and pro wrestling experience. Lesnar is also a UFC MMA fighter with titles and success there.

Dean on the other hand, is relatively new re: WWE and this bout looks like a mis-match. The most recent development was an in-ring promo and mild altercation. Brock had teased entering the ring, albeit with Dean holding a crowbar in hand. So far, the build for this match has been slow; and not decidedly clear as to who will have the upper hand. However, Mick Foley gave Dean a barbed-wire baseball bat; and ergo endorsed Dean. This gesture, combined with the Lunatic Fringe tendencies promises a brutal and bloody match that is built on impact and not headlocks and wristlocks.

The Preview: How can this bout be competitive and compelling with both men equally vying for the spot, and looking strong? Realistically, and outside of story line; Brock can easily and handily defeat Dean. How is Dean competition to Lesnar? How does he defeat Brock, or a strategic option? The best idea is NOT with Roman. Instead go after one weakness, and use it as a distraction; Brock’s manager, Paul Heyman. It isn’t legitimate and is hard to buy into; as “this” being a WM match; and as a can’t-miss and believable bout, as opposed to a squash.

The Swerve: Ironically, we still have Bray Wyatt who Lesnar did not wrestle, nor clearly beat from WWE Roadblock. Could the Lunatic Fringe add more depth to his character, meanwhile breaking the hearts of those who cheer him? Could a swerve and soon to be (at least rumored) heel turn add the new wrinkle for Dean, and ergo (with Wyatt helping) an Ambrose victory at Mania? Remember: The Wyatt and Brock program was hinted on way back in January and never (up to this point) got properly fleshed out… Just a thought…

The Conclusion: Realistically, there will be some false finishes and moments where Brock is down by the onslaught of Ambrose. However, can any of us believe or buy into (aside of high-spots and daredevil moves) that this one-sided, one dimensional game-plan of Dean can truly beat Brock Lesnar? Or will Lesnar utilize a rope-a-dope, taking everything Dean has and still take Ambrose to Suplex City? One thing is for sure, that whoever wins adds more credibility and a run leading up to the WWE title picture. Whoever wins between Roman and The Game, Triple H; be rest assured the perfect opponent would be Dean (as a heel, new dynamic) versus Roman; or Brock versus Roman from Wrestlemania 31 repeated. Or, perhaps Triple H can have another competitive go versus Ambrose. Alas, Time will tell and let’s sit back and watch the human car crash come April 3rd.



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