It’s Wrestling! Top Five Shocking #RAW Moments – #Raw25

Ladies and Gentlemen welcome back to… It’s Wrestling! I apologize for lack of post recently. I will be post more as soon as I can. My wife and I are currently writing a book and I’ve been putting a considerable amount of time into it. Anyway, enough about that. Today, I’m bringing to you my Top 5 Shocking RAW moments. Please enjoy.


Kane Hooks Jumper Cables to Shane’s Balls (September 1st, 2003)
Shane’s comes out to the ring. Eric Bischoff comes out being his same asshole self. Kane comes from behind and attacks Shane. After beating the hell out of Shane with steel steps, he handcuffs Shane to the ring post. He pours water on him and then hooks jumper cables to his balls. This was quite funny to me, but to Shane, I’m sure it was quite shocking. RVD comes out and attacks Kane with a chair. He’s busted Kane open and delivers a Van Daminator. 2003 Kane was the best.


Vince Revealed as the Higher Power of the Ministry of Darkness (June 7, 1999)
This segment was great because Shane and Vince were in the ring and on stage at the start of the show. The ministry comes out with Vince and Shane nowhere to be seen. Undertaker begins the promo. He brings out the higher power. The lights go off and a man in a robe heads to the ring. Nobody suspected that it would be Vince. He starts talking but we hear Shane talking instead. Shane appears on stage and heads to the ring. He then calls Vince to the ring. Vince appears on the titantron. The higher power then reveals himself as Vince. This was just one moment in the many, many, many great Austin/Vince storylines. Stephanie and Linda come out and announce Stone Cold as the new CEO of the then WWF.Vince’s facial expressions to what Austin says were just hilarious.


Vince Goes to Church (April 10th, 2006)
Vince went to church to try and find Shawn Michael’s tag team partner. I put this on the list because it deals with religion and that’s a touchy subject for some people. Vince was basically mocking religion with this promo. I’m sure there were some who got upset or outright pissed at this. For me, it was shocking because of the way that it was done. The man went to a church to laugh at the fact that Shawn is a Christian. Vince recites a list of his commandments and the proceeds to have Shane recite a prayer.


Stephanie Gets Arrested (July 21st, 2014)
Nikki Bella said she had a surprise for Stephanie and turned out to be Brie. Stephanie came to the ring to mock Brie. They got into an argument and Brie called Stephanie a bitch, and Stephanie slapped her hard and had her taken from the building. Later, the police came and arrested Stephanie. This was insane because I honestly didn’t see the story going that way at all.


Vince Gets Arrested (December 28th, 2015)
The show opened with Vince coming out pretending to have a neck injury and trying to get Roman arrested for it. Stephanie came out and started ordering police around, and the segment escalated until Vince was the one being arrested. This one is on this list because it was insane. This was so well done that people an actually started calling the Brooklyn PD after Vince’s mug shot was released. It wasn’t the most realistic arrest as the officer basically sped through the Miranda rights. It still was pretty damn shocking.


Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed reading this. Follow me on Twitter @Juggalo_Strange, and please follow us @SLTDWrestling. Until next time. Have a great day.

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