Davie’s Dungeon: A Batista Win Is Bad For Business

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In last week’s column, I wrote about The Royal Rumble and predicted who I think will win it. I stated that my pick to win the Royal Rumble match was CM Punk, but now…I’m not so sure. However, I wrote that column a few weeks ago with no idea about what would happen between then and now.

We now know that Batista’s returning, Daniel Bryan has joined the Wyatt Family and CM Punk’s still stuck in a feud with The Shield.

There have been plenty of rumours circulating that Batista is going to win. If I could, I would plead and beg with WWE to make sure that doesn’t happen. Why would we want to see someone in his mid-40s – who hasn’t been around for the last 3-4 years – win the Royal Rumble and go on to main-event WrestleMania?

CM Punk and Daniel Bryan should be the 2 favourites to win – 2 young, passionate wrestlers who are in their prime and great at what they do.

They’ve worked hard to get to where they are today and it seems the WWE just doesn’t want to pull the trigger on them and let them be the main-event stars in the company. Yes, I know CM Punk was the longest-reigning champion of the modern era, but he was never treated as the number one guy.

As much as I’m enjoying CM Punk and The Shield in a feud, it’s obvious this is only being done to elevate The Shield…and mainly Roman Reigns. I don’t have a problem with it because each member of the group has great potential, but I’d rather see CM Punk back in the main-event picture.

The same goes for the Daniel Bryan/Wyatt Family deal. Who the hell knows where this is heading? Apparently, the WWE don’t even know where the angle is heading. It’s interesting to see Daniel Bryan join the Wyatt Family and the WWE could turn him into a fully-fledged heel, but if they’ve got any sense, then they’ll get him out of the group as quickly as they can.

He’s being used to elevate Bray Wyatt into a big star. That’s fine. Bray Wyatt is one of the best characters that the WWE has had in quite a while. However, they could be doing so much more with Daniel Bryan.

The fans have been clamouring for him to win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship for a while now, which is why it would make perfect sense for him to win the Royal Rumble match.

So we have two of the most over superstars of the past decade stuck in feuds that aren’t helping them.

I don’t know what happened to the rumoured Authority/Vince or CM Punk/Triple H angles. I was hoping we would see those feuds leading into WrestleMania. Maybe we still could, but I don’t see it happening now. I’ll probably change my mind in a few weeks since WWE seems to be booking their shows without really knowing what they want to do.

If CM Punk doesn’t win the Royal Rumble – he’s gone from my favourite to win to being a highly unlikely winner – then I hope he does end up feuding with The Authority. Without a doubt, he deserves to be in one of the main-events at WrestleMania.

It’s the same with Daniel Bryan. If he doesn’t win, then hopefully Shawn Michaels does have one last match because I don’t know what else the WWE could do with him at WrestleMania that will live up to expectations.

They’ve dug themselves into a hole by teasing an HBK/Bryan feud and getting the fans’ hopes up. The WWE have to give Daniel Bryan a main-event calibre match to satisfy the fans after allowing us to believe that one of the greatest matches ever could possibly take place.

There are so many rumours going around about WrestleMania that it’s hard to see what the card’s going to look like.

It’s hard to even say where John Cena is going to be on the card, with rumours of a tag match with Hulk Hogan doing the rounds. Usually, we’d just say that Cena would be in either one of the championship main-events, but we’ve only got one championship now, so I’d put my money on a Batista/Randy Orton match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

So, my new pick to win the Royal Rumble is Batista. Yawn…yawn…yawn! Let’s hope the rumours are wrong and the WWE actually gives CM Punk or Daniel Bryan the win.

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