The Miz – Deserving Champion?

In the last few weeks, I’ve read so many things on dirt-sheets, forums, and especially Twitter about The Miz being an undeserving WWE champion and I for one don’t think that’s entirely true. I have to say I was never really a fan of The Miz before he became the WWE Champion. When he was tagging with Morrison, he was totally overshadowed in the ring. It reminded me a lot of the early days of The Hardy Boys. Matt was great in the ring and worked so hard on his wrestling, then Jeff dives off the top rope and the crowd goes wild, and Matt never really got the credit he deserved. That was shown over the 10+ years that Matt spent in the WWE and he was never really given the opportunity to run with a major heavyweight title (unless you count the ECW title).

One big difference between Miz and Matt Hardy is that Miz always stood out on the mic, which could be one of the main reasons why Miz/Morrison were such a successful tag team. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think that Miz is the greatest wrestler on the WWE roster (and I don’t think he thinks he is for that matter), but there’s no doubt that he can carry a match when he needs to. Over the last few years, he’s built up a solid array of moves that he’s made his own, but he was missing that one big finishing move. He’s now got it with the “Skull Crushing Finale”. It’s a solid move but it’s the most ridiculous name for a finisher I’ve ever heard in my entire life.

What I’m trying to say is that saying he’s undeserving is a bit of an overstatement. There have been far more undeserving WWE Champions in history, Ultimate Warrior for one. The fans loved him, but he wasn’t good in the ring, and more recently, Sheamus. He’s great in the ring. He knows how to use his power and he knows how to take a big move well, but he was in the company for less than four months and won the WWE Championship. In my book, that’s undeserving. I understand that they wanted to push him hard to be a huge star fast, but look where he is now! Jobbing for Evan Bourne and Mark Henry wearing a green cape and plastic crown! Unfortunately, I can see Del Rio going the same way if they give him the World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania 27. It’s too much, too soon, but I can’t see that happening with Miz.

I think he’s earned a lot of respect from the backstage officials with his work ethic and the way he represents himself and the WWE. It’s a lot like when Cena first became champion. What had he done to cement himself as a solid WWE Champion?

In my opinion, I think WWE could’ve spent a little more time on The Miz and built his character some more, but then I suppose his Money in the Bank win would have been a lot less shocking.  I don’t think that very many fans expected him to win and a lot of people were shocked when he won. I know I was! I think he’s got a tough time ahead of him going into WrestleMania against Cena, especially with The Rock thrown in the mix too. It’ll definitely be interesting. I was wondering if he’d be able to insert himself in the middle of the Rock/Cena rivalry, but after the promo he cut a few weeks ago (which I think landed better than Cena’s) and finishing with the Peoples Elbow, he definitely looks to be coming out of WrestleMania and a huge heel, with or without the WWE Championship.


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