Wrestle Chica – The future of Seth Rollins

Hey Everyone and welcome to the latest Wrestle Chica! As you probably know by now by name is Rach and I am the First Lady of SLTD Wrestling.

This week I’ve been thinking a little bit about where everything is going at the minute with the story lines in WWE, and there is a part of me that keeps thinking that the Authority are going to turn their backs on their once golden boy Seth Rollins. Last week on RAW I think they made a lot of references (too many not to get onto) about the fact that Rollins is not as good as Triple H and that he may get there but he isn’t at the minute.

The amount of times that this was said and the fact that each time it was Rollins came back with the whole will all due respect I am line, to me this is the beginning of an Authority vs Rollins story line. At the minute Seth is currently on top of the world. He has become the first person ever to hold both the World Heavy Weight Championship and the United States Championship however I can’t help but think this is now going to come at a price and a huge one at that, which the Authority are wanting paid back.

The announcement that Rollins is going to be having 2 matches at Night of Champions due to the fact that every title is to be defended at the PPV to me is just the start of Seth paying back the Authority. Throughout last week’s RAW you could see Steph was getting more and more annoyed with their current face of the company which is what led her to make the decision to have both titles defended at Night of Champions and this was just masked behind the whole I didn’t have a choice explanation but I can’t help but think that we are going to see major changes coming but am a little torn as to what that would be.

First of all I had a thought that we are possibly going to see Seth loose both titles. If you have Sting and Cena win at Night of Champions Seth is left with nothing and this will see him needing the Authority more than ever which could then lead to us seeing the Authority turning their backs on him and leaving him to prove he is as good as he says he is. This could then go either of two ways. We could see Seth winning back his World Heavyweight Championship and the love of the Authority or him getting beat and the authority picking a new future of WWE.

When I thought more about this though I can’t see this happening. First I think there has been too much time effort put into getting Seth where he is today without a bigger ending to his alliance with the Authority, and secondly I don’t think there is anyone at the minute who could step in to be the new future of the company. The only person currently in this position is Sheamus and I don’t think they have worked him enough as being Mr Money in the Bank for this to happen so quickly.

So this got me thinking again about what could possibly happen. I don’t think Sting is going to beat Seth. I don’t think he is around enough and he isn’t really a Lesnar to be able to only make random appearances and keep the legitimacy of being better than everyone else. With Sting this is only his second match with the WWE and I understand that someone with his history doesn’t need to have many matches however even Lesnar worked a bit more than this before his title shot.

However this being said a Sting win could actually open up a cash in. We could see Seth getting beat and Sheamus cashing in on Sting and becoming the new champion. However I think this story line is going to continue for a lot longer and for that to happen Seth needs to still be the champion so that we do actually see Seth and the Authority coming head to head.

The question is though when would this happen? To me there can only be one stage big enough to hold this type of match and that has to be WrestleMania. Recently we only see Triple H fight a big PPV and to be honest with you I think this will continue as you can see that Triple H misses actually being in the ring and I don’t think he is ready to give that up full time just yet, even with the success of NXT his passion is wrestling and while he is still in fantastic physical shape why would you give that up?

So what’s going to happen to see us get there, I think we are going to be seeing a lot more of Seth saying and acting like the main man and a lot more of the Authority not liking it one bit. I do think we are going to see Seth loose everything but I think it is a little too soon for that to happen if the build up would be WrestleMania as to me that would be dragging it out slightly, I get that we are getting to the road to WrestleMania but for me this doesn’t normally become a hype until around the Royal Rumble PPV.

At the minute Seth, for me, hasn’t had enough legit win matches for him to have the ego he has. Then again though he’s the bad guy so they don’t need a reason to have ego but I do believe he needs more of these legit win matches. I think if we see a lot more legitimate wins for Seth we will see that ego naturally expand to the point where Seth is going to believe his own hype and believe that he doesn’t need the Authorities help, we have already seen this slightly in the past but it always ends with someone stepping in to save him but can this continue with the way Seth is acting?

I don’t think so and this will be when we start to see the Authority turning their backs on him and stop helping him but for me this is going to a good thing for Seth and this is when he is going to get more legitimacy as a champion. One thing is for sure though the Authority always have a plan B (up to C in Seth’s case!) and they will always have something up their sleeve to protect the company so we still have the opportunity to see a cash in or even the possibility of Orton returning to the Authority or even the possibility of a Reigns or Ambrose turn and working with them. Whatever the way it happens I am almost certain that we be seeing Seth Rollins vs Triple H at WrestleMania 32!

As always thank you so much for reading! Let know your thoughts on what you think will happen. Can you see it going somewhere else or do you think this will be a match WrestleMania. Let me know in the comments below.

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