WWMD – Returning to the Rumble is……. Maven

In this series of WWMD’s, we look at potential returners to WWE, what impact they could have, what they could do and what talent they could help get over. We’ll also have a look at their run in WWE, starting at the Rumble and culminating in a match at WrestleMania. So, with that in mind, let’s get looking at today’s returner : Maven.

What have they done in the past?

The first winner of the (then) WWF Tough Enough competition was his first moment in the spotlight. Then, it happened. The moment which I hold closest to my heart, other than my wedding day. Maven eliminated The Undertaker from his debut Royal Rumble match. That moment solidifyed both Maven and the Tough Enough competition and legit. He had a run with The Undertaker, a run as WWF Hardcore Champion and some comedy work too.

What impact could they have?

Honestly, I have no idea. But this is Maven, my hero, so it doesn’t matter the impact they would have. I’d love to see him form a tag team with another old timer (Shelton Benjamin when he is fully fit) to help put over new talent. The main impact however, is from Maven’s dropkick. I’ll include it as a gif just for you to watch in all its magnificence.

Maven eliminating The Undertaker

Who could they work with?

I’d seem Maven more as a tag teamer than anything. I doubt very much many would pop at his return, outside his diehard fans. As such, a tag team fits the bill. One tag team who are needing a LOT of help at the moment are The Ascension. They debuted in NXT as bad asses, did everything in NXT then came up to Raw. They’ve floundered every since, not gaining any momentum or push. Hell, Ricardo Rodriguez got a better singles push than they have as a tag team.

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